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What you need to know about pop up trade show displays but were afraid to ask!

At Camelback Displays, we have developed a certain expertise on pop-up displays over the years due to our high volume of pop up sales.  However, because of this cleverly designed trade show display, there are just a few things to be aware of when deciding on one.


They Are Portable:
Pop up displays by nature are portable display equipment.  They set up simply and quickly without tools on location and pack into cases with wheels.
Pop ups are lightweight and can be shipped via FedEx, UPS and DHL.  This is because they utilize aluminum tubing for the collapsible frame and the heavy duty plastic molded shipping cases also weigh much less than crates.

They Are Easy To Set UP:
Just pull out the frame, add a little hardware & panels and you are up in running in 15 minutes and ready to present!  These displays are very easy to assemble and they look great when you are done.

Their Design Is Interesting & Offers Unique Advantages:
They are loosely based on a tubular geodesic dome sort of like this one:

Geodesic Dome


Pop-Up Frame


The pop up frame is composed of extruded hollow aluminum tubing that is connected together with metal or high grade nylon hubs.  The design allows for the collapsing frame to fit into a tight space (Like a case) and for easy expansion to assemble.  The “skin” of the display, which is made of graphic or fabric panels are rolled up to fit inside of the case too. If you use fabric panels, detachable graphics can be hook and loop to them so that you can make changes between shows.  All of this makes a pop up a very versatile, effective and easy to use 3-dimensional advertising display.

They Are Customizable:
There are several grades of pop up displays that offer tons of possibilities. You can add shelving, spot lights, graphics, headers, LCD monitor holders and podiums. (These are just the basic options)


With our heavier-duty custom pop-up displays, you can also combine structures to make a huge selection of shapes, turn one into a large light box, add internal shelves, use bridges to combine separate units, attach slat wall, apply back-lit bubble panels, attach dye-cut graphics, create towers, add graphic counters…and much more.

They Are More Than Just A Trade Show Display:
Pop ups are primarily used for trade shows, but they are also great for press conferences, meetings, sales presentations, mall displays, in-store advertising, museum exhibits and anywhere a flexible graphic wall is needed.

Why Do We Like Pop-Ups?
Because our customers LOVE these things!  They solve so many problems for them that it is a sheer joy to listen to them tell us how happy they are with their choice to buy one!  Throw in the life-time frame warranty and it is hard to go wrong with a pop up.

Articles: Pop Up Displays

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